Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the milking begins

1. milking is harder than i ever expected. and it feels... weird. so weird. especially when you get a good... stream going, then toe (mama goat) goes 'BAAA-HAA-WAA-BAA!!!!' and you're like 'oh my god. i'm hurting a goats utter.'

2. rash: i got a bug bite three days ago the size of my fingernail on my neck. it started to spread a small rash. now the rash is all over my neck and down to my left shoulder. my glands are swollen. my throat hurts.

3. freckles: they. are. everywhere. i didn't notice until yesterday, i decided to treat myself to some lipgloss and BAM. freckers. on my cheeks, my neck, my shoulders and arms, and that spot between your collar bones. maybe too much time in the sun? i don't remember having this many. i like it.

4. jon head-butted me, yet again, so this time i challenged him back. that is supposed to show them where you stand in the hierarchy. also i feed him last. but this one particular time, last night, my wrist got caught between his horns and when he swung his head around it went 'POP!'... major ouch. it's fine, just bruised a little. i smacked his nose. he continued to eat. this morning he didn't touch me. maybe their noses are sensitive, like a shark. or that slug i poked with a twig.

5. this blog is rubbish.

6. started reading 'the beach.' very good.

7. anya and reinoud are the most hospitable strangers i have ever known. they go out of their way to make me comfortable, and keep me happy. reinoud said last night over some baileys and cheese 'there is a sadness about you. but, you came here to un-wind, and that is good, and this will be good for you.' ..... it is VERY good for me.

8. i say 'thank you so much!'. they say 'ok.'

9. i LOVE dutch television.

10. i thought about my brother today because next time, he should come with me.

11. mint tea: i go to the garden, pull some mint plants, throw them in a pitcher and add boiling water. voila. instant from the earth.

12. i made a bench, and painted it yellow with blue stars.

13. ingrid michaelson is what i listen to every day while working. everytime i hear 'woman from spain' i will think of feeding hannah and mo (baby goats).

14. anya and reinoud left for a small holiday for two days, so i must keep everything on the up and up.

15. someone just went 'BAA' *clunk*... time to check on them.

16. miss karma. a lot.

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